“Stay centered on what matters by keeping what matters in the center”
Ellie and Suzanne invite you to join us and Turtle Studios affiliates and friends On Sunday, November 15, 1-5pm,
via Zoom
We’ll begin with a gathering circle to check in, then make time to play and work with your materials and muses, and we will offer the tried-and-true tools of buddying, 1:1 coaching, scribing, doubt-catchers and more - as you choose. All to honor and clarify and have fun together with what matters.
Affiliates $20
Friends of TS $30
Payable via Venmo to Suzanne @suzmcl
We will send you the zoom link, some suggestions on how to prepare (maybe you start now with the question “what matters to me....?). No answer, no worries - this workshop will be a chance to let the wild waters settle and get clear.
Questions or to RSVP -
Suzanne. suzmcl61@gmail.com
Ellie elliecoolbehr@gmail.com
“Obstacles are a sign you're doing something you care about and that matters to you”